Additional sources of tinnitus information

We have provided links to a number of websites which you might find helpful in terms of obtaining more information on tinnitus. This includes helping identify local sources of support in your country. if you would like to either link to our website, or suggest we list your website, we welcome you to use the Contact Us Page

 The hearing aid manufacturers also publish brochures aimed mainly at explaining tinnitus rather than selling their products and we will over time provide links where you can download those brochures. We do want to emphasise we are independent of any manufacturer.

Tinnitus Fact Sheets & Brochures that explain tinnitus and ways of helping your tinnitus

This tinnitus brochure from Siemens is good example where it focuses on explaining tinnitus and things you can do to help your tinnitus, rather than promoting their particular products.

Range of Tinnitus Association organisations

American Tinnitus Association -

British Tinnitus Association -

Australian Tinnitus Association -

Victoria (Australia) Tinnitus Association -

German Tinnitus Association -

Other related foundations and NGOs

New Zealand national foundation for the deaf -

Life Unlimited - free hearing evaluations, information and support for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents aged 16 years and over. Nation wide support contact via 0800 008 011 and 

Tinnitus Research Initiative, research foundation based in Germany -

American Academy of Otolaryngology (Head & Neck Surgery) -

American Speech - Language Hearing Association - 

American Academy of Audiology -  

Hearing Health Foundation (Large private funder of hearing research) -